(taken from my previous blog)
Originally posted 3/25/10

This month I started playing the 6.50/45's more regularly and I hope to continue as the month goes on. Once I got over how much I was buying in with (after I loaded all of my tables for the session, usually 20-30 and realizing I was down $150-$200's in buy-ins) I realized the only thing different between the 3's and the 6's are the amount of regs (and first place is a cool $84).
I think the biggest difference besides the regs, is the amount of fold equity you have. If you are playing the 3's and you are shipping atc in the the sb into the bb, you get called by so many weird hands, which causes you to risk most, if not all, of your chips. In the $6.50's, you actually have fold equity. I think its just a psychological thing. Fish in the 3's just see their chips as a 3$ buy in, if they make the final table they will probably win 10-20$. In the 6.50's, fish see that first, second, and third pay $84, $60, $42 respectively. This is enough to keep them from getting pissed and calling your 3rd bvb shove w/ some weird J8 hand and winning the race(normally).
The only other thing you should be doing, is taking very good notes vs the regs. I know that may be hard if you are playing 16+ tables, but when you make the final tables, try to focus on what hands they are doing what with. Just this information alone will tell you how aggressive they are, and that usually will give you a good idea on how they are playing earlier in the tournament from t150(blinds are 75/150) and t400. If you take good notes, one day down the road you will make that K high call bvb, or you will re-steal over their btn minraises.
Anyways, here is the graph for the first week of March. I'm really going to try to hit the 1k mark this month, hopefully I can get in 1,200-1,500 games.
Also, I'd like to play live at least 5-10 times this month. Spring break is this week and I'm sure I can make it down there a few times.
Good luck at the tables