Freedom! My life for the last few months has been crazy. Not just poker, everything. Between delivering pizza's, playing golf, seeing friends, finishing classes, and spending time with my friends, I haven't had much time to put into this blog. By the end of the summer I hope to be a better poker player as I continue to develop my skills.
I'm back to SNG's again (If you haven't noticed I switch between cash and SNG's faster than Tiger Wood's switches mistresses). I just wanted to give an update on how I've done so far in SNG's in my poker career.
I've never been a degenerate. I'm a bankroll nit. When people whine about having to play the 3$ sng's I just laugh. I've played over 2,000 games at the 1$/45s on stars (thats a beat, not a brag). I've played as high as the 6/45s with breakeven results. But most importantly, I'm a consistent winner. This is where we find our confidence when we play.
Confidence is one of the most important things a poker player must have (besides the obvious self control to prevent tilting, and a bladder that works 55 minutes past the hour, every hour). Confidence not only makes us play our A game more often, but also helps keep our minds clear when making decisions. This is crucial if we are trying to maximize our hourly profit. Our decisions are a reflection of how we are feeling at the time we make the decision. If we are upset because we just lost a flip, or some monkey cracked our aces on the bubble, then we are more likely to spew in a spot where if we were thinking correctly we know the right place is fold.
You can't play profitable poker passively (say that 3 times fast). It is impossible to play poker if we are afraid to lose money. We should never play if we can't afford to lose. Things like this will impede our judgement and we will let our emotions control our play. For example, if we are deep in the Sunday Million and we know that shoving any two cards in the small blind is the right play, but if we get knocked out we only will make 10,000$ instead of the 21,000$ that the next place gets. We'll begin to ask ourselves if our play is worth 11,000$ and, most likely, we'll decide to not shove.
Moral of the story: We must always be confident in our decisions.
Here are my sng results on stars for the last year and also my results on fulltilt beginning just a week ago. I have found a very profitable game, and have been running relatively well, but I think I can continue to profit at close to the same winrate that I have thus far.
SNG Lifetime on stars
Fulltilt graph of this week
Good luck at the tables.