(taken from my old blog)
This is wrong.
What we should be focusing on is sticking to our game plan that we know works. Take Tiger Woods for example, when he was younger and on tour, he was killing it. He went through a tough streak where he had trouble putting things together and scoring well. Even through these times he wasn't playing bad golf. He just couldn't get anything going. Did he completely change his swing or his mentality towards the game? I don't think so. Sure he tweaked it a little with tips from his amazing coach, but he didn't start swinging left handed. He spent a good majority of his time PRACTICING, not PLAYING. Needless to say he started scoring better eventually and after his long 'downswing' he was better than ever imo.
I think what we can learn from this is if you start running bad (it will happen to you I promise), we should be putting in more time practicing (reviewing hands, posting hands, watching vids, just opening random tables and trying to read hands/pick up on mistakes, ect). I personally thought that the best thing to do when you were running bad was to just grind through it. Now I don't think its horrible but we should still be aware that we have probably developed a leak or two.
So after running bad, I decided to start playing sng's again. I had success with them in the past and I was getting burned out of playing cash games. I found an amazing backer who wanted to move me up the 45man levels. We agreed to start at the 1$ 45mans for a few hundred games, then assuming I'd profit, move me to the 3's and eventually to the 6's. I played awful the first 100 or so games, not remember what to do in certain situations. After the first sweat session we did my graph took a positive turn. I quickly moved up to the 3's and ran very well for about 250 games. With almost a 60% ROI (I knew was impossible to maintain - but it was nice picking up 130 buy in's that week). Yesterday I played ~60 sng's and cashed in 3 of them. It felt like I was losing every flip, I was getting coolered like crazy in the sb, nothing was going my way. I guess after 7 straight winning sessions it was going to happen eventually. After a rough night last night, I'm refreshed and ready to play some more with a better mindset. I'm going to play how I know what I'm doing, with confidence, picking good spots, etc.
Here's my sng graph on stars, I will be sure to post more sometime later this week.

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